Neil Humphreys
I went for his talk and book signing in the NUS Library just now. Funny man. Though I do not agree totally with what he said, I still like the way he writes and satirizes many things (including the dysfunctional side of our gahmen).
Some of the stuff he said:
- Arts degree...the only degree that teaches you how to support your opinion. The write about them. Trains you in that.
- He encourages us to go into jounelism. He didn't cover the censorship and ridiculous nature of Singapore press.
- No he is not an opposition.
Anyway, I am bad at retelling an event if I didn't take note. And I didn't. (Sorry Afiah, I know u read my blog and likes Neil Humphreys, sorry I can't give u the details about the event. haha.)
Anyway, I did something.
I spent $34 on his 3 books.
The irony is I don't even put $30 in for my textbooks.
Idiot you, Carmen, your aunty side rearing again.
Darn, next few weeks I have to scrimp and save to justify this spending again.
Someone chain my hands or something.
(I'll put up a pic of the talk when I can kop it from any webby. My hp is too lousy to take a proper photo of him.)
Crap! I forgot today (wednesday) is tutorial swapping day. I was busy in school and everything. Crap so now my mondays i have 2 tutorials back to back and i have to run from one building to another immediately after German tutorial. Crap! ARGHHH why am I so blur recently.
And Lolita is so perverted. I hate that book.
And I realise my previous post contains so many grammatical errors.
Warnings to Girls
Love is blind. the cliche is true. Remember this, girls out there, love is indeed blind. blind as heck. and worse come to worse it's even dumb, unable to speak, hear, feel, touch. It numbs, no, kill all senses, if love becomes evil.I'm not preaching. I'm not holier-than-thou. I'm not even trying to teach a lesson. But I've seen, experience, and heard enough to say this: that any conviction can drop. ANY. Unless God so keep you. Unless u choose the right guy. Unless you know what u really want in that relationship. If not, be very careful, girls who reads this, be very careful. Know WHO the guy is first.As for me, i'm just glad I share the same God with him. So any mistake comes we fly to our God, our Saviour, for forgiveness and wisdom.But there are so many a plenty of u frens out there whom i have heard and known about all sorts of blindness.... be careful girls. Sincerely,Carmen
Sins of the world
you grow up, ur counterpart grows up with u. and one find day u find urself facing sins that u thot only evil people do. but suddenly ur fren is the one who does it. u try to counsel ur fren. u realise sin is sin, not just something the Bible mentions. u realise there's really seomthing call stupidity and blinded by love. u get expose to them even if u in ur life dun touch these things.
1st School Day
Yesterday. Today another no-lecture day. Tomorrow will be a 1 lecture day. Early 8am. Great.
South East Asian Studies lecture is interesting. Coz the lecturers are interesting! Funny. Witty. Passion for topic slightly contagious. Well can't say much from 1st lecture. Oh, and made a friend. An exchange student from US. Autumn (wow, cool name!). Literature major. Haha, hope to know her better.
Then it's 3 hours of bumping around as I waited for lit lecture. Got lost when finding alternate way ti Arts canteen. Ended up in Biz canteen to eat the famous and fabulous Western food. Not bad!
NUSSU gave out notebooks yesterday. How can the kiasu and notebook freak miss it? The que was very very long. But I qued anyway. And I got my (like, sixth) notebook. Many of the unused ones still sitting on my shelf. Haha. I don't know why I'm such a sucker for organizers. I love them. But I'm picky when it comes to what type. And the funny thing is, I don't buy them. People get them for me on my birthdays when they don't know what else to buy but don't want to spend on dust collecting table decorating figures that sit and rot. I like them though, really. Haha! I was bored so I took a pic at the crowd.

And the pic beside is that diary I qued so long for. Hehe, not bad!! But looks like many, esp freshies, would be having the same notebook. So I am thinking of zhng-ing my notebook. Haha, haven't started yet. Scared I'll destroy it. Haha.
Anyway, Lit lecturer, contrary to my expectation, were boring and uncomprehensible. Dr Gwee is like those super cynical kind who I can't feel any passion for lit from. Dr Roy... well, I hardly can understand her high ideas. But crap, we're gonna read perverted writers' and their perverted text. What better way to start the perverted literary studies of perverted minds than reading a paedophile in "Lolita"...and what's worse, i've been forwarned that the writer brilliantly makes readers sympathise with him (at times). Crap!
German tutor looks like this tiny korean man with black plastic specs and gentle voice. Face doesn't have interest-inducing potential. But I was wrong man! He rocked. As in...he managed to get all our attention and interest in the first half an hour of the seminar-lecture. German's hard though. Haha.
Ah well, what will I see for tomorrow's English lecture?
Apple Cidar Bananas

My Mom made these apple-cidar-soaked-banana-slices, recommended by my aunt, recommended by Dongfang Billy. Suppose to help your digestion, constipation, and slimming-tion. (The last of which I'm rather skeptical...)
Being the sour freak (and banana freak) that I am, I braced myself to try.
It is very, very, very, very, sour.
For someone who eats lemon slices, it is really very sour - at first mouth. I remember eating them slowly and looking like i'm cruelly tortured when I first tried it. It left me sucking my mouth and wondering how much of my tongue had I corroded.
But subsequently, I started to enjoy it. I enjoy mashing these up by sucking them through my tongue. (It's too acidic for teeth.) And now I pop these little snacks in whenever I got the snack craving.
Feeling a
I've decided since morning, to go for a run now. But here i am typing away... I gonna grow back to the chubby thing i used to be...haha.
See...i can hardly maintain anything at all. Can't maintain a hobby, can't maintain a practice, can't maintain this and that. Rubbish. Grrrrrrrrr!!!

Perfect illustration.
Click to enlarge.
Sobering matter
Went to Applie's Dad's funeral wake today, with Vic, Afiah and Elaine Jean. What a way, really...what a way to gather. We've always talked about gathering over meals, but we didn't expect the event that got us together is actually so saddening.
Applie's father died suddenly. Some kind of disease that was aggrevated Tuesday night, causing heart attack. Suddenly her family was plunged into emotional and financial crisis. Mother has illness, work doesn't earn much, and she has 3 other siblings all still schooling, with 2 of them in tertiary education.
It's like all light is gone for them. I shan't speak further of her plight. It will just trivilize the gravity of the matter or over-depressed it by my own imagination.
But death is always the sobering event isn't it? After all, the end of all men is death. All certs and money, enjoyment and relationships, all these ends when death comes isn't it? That's why death is so sobering. Because amidst your paper chase and socializing, suddenly someone's end reminds you that that will happen to you one day. Or worse, to your love ones whom you have yet to be ready to let go of. Especially in an event of sudden death.
Which reminds me, my family isn't saved. My father and mother haven't believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. My grandmother has already gone without the knowledge of the Saviour, and my long then will I drag my duty as the bearer of the gospel?? How long, Carmen? Till one of them leaves w/o it again?
I shudder to even type it down.
What is the most important thing in life? To know God, to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. When these are in place, you'll find the meaning of your life - to seek the will of God in every matter and to live it, and do it as to the Lord. Serve the Lord with gladness, keep His commandments.
(And to the smoker up/down-stairs who is currently smoking now and polluting my room air foul as heck, do you know you are simply wasting yourself away? And threatening mine??)
Hai...what a way to start school, my dear Applie, I really want to be of some help to her.
Treasure your life, take it seriously.
LOL. Don't think i'll be going for Freshmen Inauguration Ceremony. I won't be going for FLag Day, I won't be going for Rag day either.
Jiaxin suggested we call non-involved students like us the SlackArts.
I agree. haha.
Not that i'm a hermit ba. I just don't want to be tempted into doing worldly things like dancing, pop songs, worse - RARA cheering things. It's about the kind of testimony I would like to show. These things are infamously linked, somehow. Since we don't sieve through rubbish dump to find eatable food, I think we should try to find the "harmless" activities in the midst of things we know are not very godly to do. So I prefer to opt out. Time can be better spent anyway.
I like it. =D
One by one, my character, you are showing me that you don't like them. It makes me wonder, why did you like me in the first place? I try not to think evily of you. I shut the thoughts out - thoughts that perhaps you got not much choice because those girls out there are not Christians, or maybe becuase you are in the army that's why I started to stand out among your many male friends after so many years of not noticing me.
I try not to think like these, I really want to shut them out. And everytime you are so good to me it reassures me that these are not the reasons.
But why is it that one by one, you start telling me you don't like tis character of mine, or that character of mine. How much, really, of me do you like? Why is it always you telling me what is wrong with my personality. I tried embracing yours, you know that? I tried embracing your faults, but so many times you provoked me. I really don't know how long can I hold back all these evil thoughts before I unleash it on you and cause unecessary or regretable arguments. I really don't want to think like that. Please, please...don't force me...Edit: 6/8/06It's okay. I'm ok liao. =)
Planning for module bidding...
Here's how the table looks like when you plan on bits and pieces of paper. The bare-initial stage. Those piles of books on the extreme left are leftovers from Matric fair which I don't know where in my room to stack them....yet.

And here's the computerized stage...I sat infront of the comp for the whole day (plus another half of today) yesterday just to draft out the possible Lecture slots, tutorial slots, if i take this can i take that, these kinda stuff..............................

Haha. But anyway, the first round of bidding is over. Thank the Lord! I got the modules I wanted. =D Now waiting for bidding for Uni Level Req mods... -_-
Plan plan plan....
Another planning to be done is $$$. And this really a headache. But may God help me that i will not over worry. God will provide and God will sustain. Sometimes the simple solution is just to cut down on my extravagence. LOL! Hehe...
Well, will update again!
Bidding Round 1C
I'm bidding for my modules now...
Decided on English Language, E. Literature, SEAsian studies.
Still thinking should I take History 1101E.
Still waiting for reply regarding minor programmes.
Still don't know anything...
I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day.I don't borrow from it's sushine,or the skies may turn to gray.I don't worry o'er the future, for I know what Jesus said.And today I'll walk beside Him,for He knows what is ahead.I don't know about tomorrow,it may bring me poverty.But the One who feeds the sparrowis the One who stands by me.And the path that is my portion,may be through the flame or flood.But His presence goes before me, and I'm covered with His blood.Many things about tomorrow,I don't seem to understand.But I know Who holds tomorrow,and I know Who holds my hand.Last night, when I was worrying what modules to take, how to bid etc etc, Pastor chose this hymn during the prayer meeting. What a wonderful hymn that spoke to my heart. Indeed I need not over worry about the future. If it is my portion, then it will be for the good. (
"And all things work together for good to them that love God..." - Romans something:something)
I remember back in sec 4, when my dad faced retrenchment and unstable jobbing, I was very worried over the financial burdern at home. Back then, this was the hymn that spoke to me. Whenever I recieve a bad news, either Dad lost his job again or not accepted, I always put "I know who holds tomorrow" on my msn nick to remind myself. And this gave me great comfort.
Now, thank the Lord, financial income is rather stable at home already. And thank the Lord this hymn still spoke to another worry in yet another phase of my life. Each module I take is going to affect my overall graduating grade, my major, my degree...and yes it is worrying because I'm really really afraid to waste a semester or a module and of coz my parents' money. So i need careful planning.
But I just do what I can, and then I must leave it to God. Too much worry takes away my heart and time from God, and makes me doubt God. So, as the Bible said, give unto Caesar what is dued to Caesar, and God what is dued unto God. I'll have to give it sufficient carefulness and thoughts, but pray that I will not let that crowd up my heart and mind.
Thank the Lord that I can go into a University. =D