The Pilgrim's Progress

"These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of [them], and embraced [them], and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth."
- Hebrews 11:13
I am but a pilgrim and stranger on this earth, trudging difficult grounds towards the Celestial City which is Heaven. Not by my own ability, but fully by the grace of God and the soul-cleansing blood of Jesus Christ am I able to take this pilgrimage. And I trust that there is only through this way that one can arrive at the Holy City which is in Heaven, after one perishes as all would one day.
John Bunyan wrote "The Pilgrim's Progress" as a similitude story of a pilgrim named Christian, and his journey towards the Celestial City, which represents Heaven. The records of the journey are actually trials and events that a borned again Christian would face at a point in time of his or her life.
I gave my blog title "The Pilgrim's Progress" because I am going to, as others do, write an open diary (which records events), but also keeping in mind the work of the Lord in my everyday life. In time to come, provided that I succeed this time to keep regular entries :P, these may be records of my progress (hopefully not negative) in my pilgrimage on this earth.
May readers of this blog find encouragement or learn lessons from my mistakes. Feel free to tag (responsibly).
In Christ,
Carmen :D