Backlogs - The Result of Laziness
Many significant things happened in the month of June too, but for some reasons I have not had the desire to type them out here, so now I'm suffering the consequence of having to recall to record and hence the first hand emotions are lost. =(The most significant of all is of course the YAF camp, which came to pass from 17th to 20th June. The bungalow at Tanjong Puteri was perfect! Thank God for providing that despite the last minute reservation. We had a wonderful session of learning and fun and fellowship. I really learned alot about Creationism and the basis of our faith in Creationism. Let me just say this, Christians are not anti-scientist. We are against the biased proposition of a theory over another, and of which is given a priority so high it is taught as facts in schools in the name of secularism. Too many proves of Creationism and flaws of Evolution have been discussed in the videos by learned scientists, not religious leaders. They are people with access to the knowledge and academics and research. Too many, I won't list them here, but would be glad to direct anyone interested to relevant urls and also to share with you face to face.
Anyway, we had great fun playing games and simply relaxing. For the working folks, this is a good break from work. Though eventually I didn't get to ride my horse, I still had great fun. So thank God for that too.
The camp also saw SJ's mother willing to come to Christ. I was so overjoyed I teared. It also gave me an opportunity to have some heart to heart talk with SJ. =)
Jupiter is up now at night so look to your east after 10pm or 11pm. The bright star in the sky that doesn't twinkle is the biggest planet in our solar system, Jupiter itself! Saturn is setting at the moment so easy to see. Constellation Scorpio is up, together to teapot Sagittarus.
It has been a lovely holiday so far. Now I'm starting to work and man it's tiring. But ah wells, life's responsibility demands work.
This Sabbath's updates!
Today Leon and Jacinta dropped by and joined us in worship before displaying some books for us to buy. I was really refreshed by their presence. Knowing Jacinta was no coincidence, and I thank God for providing for me a sister-in-Christ, of which through her I know another faithful sister Jaime too. They were my encouragement in school. Even though I attend JSM's bible study, I didn't fellowship with them as often as Jaime and Jacinta. I got to know Jacinta the first semester in EL1101E tutorial. She sat behind me, and together with 3 other strangers we formed a group. Believe of not, before I learned that she is a Christian from a conservative church I had an inkling, really! During the time of my breakup she was also a source of great comfort and encouragement to me. =) Leon and Pastor discussed at length some issues, and I can tell Pastor was also encouraged to see another young man wanting to serve God full time. I thank God for the healthy and chubby Leonaidas too! Splurged on some books, which is worth it. I just hope I'll get back to the discipline of reading.