Nostalgia Express
Taking a relief job at Swiss Cottage again is a fast trip down nostalgia lane. There are many changes. More teachers are gone since the last time I went there for relief 2 years after graduating. Now it has been 6 years since I've graduated. Ms Annie Tan, Mrs Constance Wong, Mr Ang, Mr Ngoh, Mdm Zainab, Mrs Sally Yu - these are some of the few teachers who have taught me and are still there. The rest have moved to other schools, among them two of my favourite teachers of all times - Mr Jason Lim and Ms Kaur. Some teachers aged significantly, while others look the same as when I last saw them.Everytime I relief in Swiss reaffirms my desire to teach. I have no idea why - well I have some idea, but I don't want to write a whole page about my aspirations. My O level year marked one of the most significant identity-shaping time of my life, and definitely without the help of passionate and caring and patient teachers like Ms Tan, Kaur, and Mrs Wong and Mr Lim, I could not have made it thus far. I wonder if I'll still get the same drive if I go to another school. Going back to my alma mater makes me proud to be called a Swiss again.
From an old TCS Drama starring Chen Han Wei, 阳光列车2, the song celebrating teachers:
知识的门由你开启 走向光明的路是你指引
眚眚学子幼苗长在大地里 师恩是春雨
每天用爱将智慧灌慨 培育我至诚至勇胸怀
教导我坚强 鼓励从不间断 开创美好明天
我们是高飞的蒲公英 您的叮咛祝福是和风
陪伴我自信翱翔 不怕迷失方向
眚眚学子幼苗长在大地里 师恩是春雨
每天用爱将智慧灌慨 培育我至诚至勇胸怀
教导我坚强 鼓励从不间断 开创美好明天
我们是高飞的蒲公英 您的叮咛祝福是和风
陪伴我自信翱翔 不怕迷失方向