The Month of May
I haven't blogged for weeks even though it's the holiday! I've had a wonderful month of May after the exams are done, and here are some highlights!The day the exam ends, I met Shama before tuition. What awaited me when I saw her was Dumbo and a big bouquet! Wonderful though the presents were, she made me lugged these two big things around Plaza without a plastic bag. -.- But I appreciate them. :)

On Sunday, during lunch time, Eliel played "Happy Birthday" and the church knew it was my birthday. I do thank Eliel for the thoughtfullness. It doesn't need to be material gift, the thought counts alot.
Anyway so that day was second Sunday, so we brought the Moral Welfare Home people out. Deacon Tan and family surprised me with a cake (coffee cake, 'cause I'm known to love coffee in church. haha.)! That was really nice of them. =) I don't have a pic of the cake, we ate them before I could take them. Too bad the youths weren't around. But I'm very happy for the surprise they gave me!

On my birthday itself, there was the E-lang lunch! It's going to become an every semester thing, after every exams. This time round it's Kushinbo. Lovely place and good food, but a tad expensive, so only go there if it's an outing with good friends or during special occasions. But the best part is, I got to see LEONAIDAS! (I still don't know how to spell his name...) And he's so cute and can walk now. Haha. But not everyone turned up, some couldn't make it. Anyway I had a wonderful time with the E-lang peeps, and I got to catch up with Jacinta a bit. :) Oh, and some of them knows it was my birthday, so they wished me, and RJ and Jacinta even got me some gifts. :) I had a wonderful time!

On 17th May, I went to watch Much Ado About Nothing! Outdoor! Singapore Repertory Theatre! Adrian Pang! With my JC mates!! Elaine, Gwen, Nana and Afiah. :) Lovely people! They gave me a surprise birthday celeb, all wearing blue (I did not, sadly) and got me a slice of Secret Recipe cake and a beatiful rose. Really, that was the a beautiful rose, better than many that I've seen. :) And Afiah gave me a present, a poster/card of the solar system, and I think that is a very nice present, 'cause the best presents are those that people gave because they know you'll love it. Another kind of best presents are the thoughtful ones and the useful ones. (Though, in my defence, I don't know what my dear friends like most of the time so I always give lousy presents. :P sorry!)
Why am I talking about presents? Back to MAAN. I think Adrian Pang is a wonderful actor, especially in drama-comedy like MAAN. I haven't watched Red Thread so I don't know how is he as a dramatic actor, but looking at his past CV in the MAAN booklet, he is pretty accomplished. Perhaps due to the role of Benedict, he is the only one who stands out. Not even Beatrice stands out despite role she has on the play itself. Watching Adrian Pang on stage makes me wish he will stop doing the crap he does on TV, especially channel 8. Coincidentally though, a week later on the TODAY paper, he was featured in an interview about his family, and he said that he knows working on TV compromises certain artistic standard, but these are the things a father needs to do for the stability of the famly. So true, so true. Sad yet true.
Overall, it was a lovely night out with the girls, and I did have some fun getting lost in Elaine's car. Haha. Very thankful for these friends from JC. They may not be my best of friends in the sense that I can be all heartfelt and open with them, but they are wonderful friends - those that I would love to keep in touch with all the way through different stages of our lives, be there at their wedding, their baby shower, etc. :) I got home pretty late that night, and have LOTS to do before heading for Tioman the next wee hours of the morning. (6.15am at Orchard, seriously??)

And so the next day, after a last minute late night packing of telescopes and minimum luggage, I went to the beautiful Tioman for Astrobash!! Beautiful pictures on my facebook. It's a horrible pic-putting system here on blogspot. But the night sky was beautiful, though according to other Astrobashers it was not the best (Tinggi was I heard). But hey! I saw the Milky Way for the first time in my life! Thank the Lord! :) Jiayi helped me adjust my bro's SLR camera to take the Milky Way. Turned out not bad, but not as good as his own pics. Haha. Lugging my telescope there was kinda a waste, cause it was over there that I spent my entire obs night LEARNING how to use the Go To. (I'm a manual idiot.) Again, thanks to Jiayi who patiently taught me a few things, I finally know what on earth my Go To can do. And I'm gonna use it on this coming YAF Camp! Join me!
Oh and I got to snorkel too for the first time! Beautiful sea life! But the package we booked was the crappier one, the other one got to go to 5 spots and those are better spots, more corals and diversity of marine life. But nvm, I'll snorkel again some day! Maybe I'll go back to Tioman (another side, not Paya) or go elsewhere to snorkel. On another day some astrobashers went fishing (real fishing and real big fish!) and some went jungle trekking. I, sadly and regretfully, did not go for both. Partly because I'm out of cash, and partly because I'm tired and I was preparing for an all-nighter ob, (which did not happen but it did last till rather late in the night).
All in all, lovely astrobash. Kinda on my own cos, haha, Linda is attached now. :P But I got to know more friends from the society!

And of cause, meeting up the gang! Chris, Shama and Anna. Anna came back from Aus so there were goodies! Got a new shawl and a bear. Hehe. After Seoul Garden we watched Night At the Museum 2, which is HILARIOUS!!!!!! If you love 1, you'll love 2. I couldn't watch the show properly because I was laughing so hard. The Einstein part, I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe! LOL. Now I want an Einstein bobble head doll!
Ah wells, all in all it was a lovely May. The results came out, and I dropped by 0.01, which is good enough 'cause I was expecting worse. Thank the Lord!
Now fun's over, I got to hunt for jobs so I can start immediately after the youth camp.