Farewell Aunty Oi Lin
In the sweet by and by, we shall meet on that beautiful shore.I did not know her well. She was the interim Sunday School teacher when Aunty Sushiang left for Melbourne and before Aunty Amy took over. I wasn't very well behaved in one particular class, I remember. >.< I last saw her more than a year ago, when El and I met her at Cassia Crescent. We chatted a bit. Once in a while we will also hear about what's going on with her life from Aunty Theresa.
Well, as much as we will all miss her, we know that she is in the best place possible - with the Lord Himself, and away from all the tears and sighs, sufferings and pains of this world. And we will see her again, when this passing world is done, and we will behold one another with the love and joy of being able to worship God eternally without sin.
Thank you Lord, for her salvation, without which there is no hope.