Planning for module bidding...
Here's how the table looks like when you plan on bits and pieces of paper. The bare-initial stage. Those piles of books on the extreme left are leftovers from Matric fair which I don't know where in my room to stack them....yet.

And here's the computerized stage...I sat infront of the comp for the whole day (plus another half of today) yesterday just to draft out the possible Lecture slots, tutorial slots, if i take this can i take that, these kinda stuff..............................

Haha. But anyway, the first round of bidding is over. Thank the Lord! I got the modules I wanted. =D Now waiting for bidding for Uni Level Req mods... -_-
Plan plan plan....
Another planning to be done is $$$. And this really a headache. But may God help me that i will not over worry. God will provide and God will sustain. Sometimes the simple solution is just to cut down on my extravagence. LOL! Hehe...
Well, will update again!