31 July 2006


(this post was written yesterday, monday. i wanted to upload a pic but toopid blogspot cannot work. delayed till today, still can't work. so, i gave up.)

Hehe, I'm officially a student of NUS FASS. A "freshie" (freshman). Sounds like some kinda vegg or fish... But anyway, today was the Matriculation. I got my matric card!!!!!! Woo hoo! Looks like i'm back to being a student!

Anyway, Matric is super environmentally unfriendly... the Fair, where the CCAs and club booths are...the people were giving out flyers like nobody's business. (I mean, if they were usable freebies...hehehe I don't mind..)

Well, anyway, they offered this matriculation pack for $10. And guess what, the Aunty side of me reared it's ugly head.

I bought it.

Only to realize after I came home that
1) It was too heavy to carry, and I had ropeburn on my hand because of that.
2) I don't really need the things inside.

That pack is more for those who wants to go for the Union camp. There's small freebies sized facial wash, lotion, perfume, gasby oil wiper, clothes detergent. There's also freebies sized sweets, normal canned juice, a glass of coffee, freebie highlighter, a pack of instant noodles and chips. But the supposedly value for money things are the matric t shirt and an entertainment mag.

Looks like a lot of stuff?

yup. But the thing is, I don't really NEED them. I mean, facial wash, lotions.. I've got them and i don't need them unless I am going for camp. juices...not really part of my daily must haves either. Worse, I DON'T READ JUNK MAGS! The mag they gave were mags like Female, NuYou, Mentalk...and another I can't remember. I DON'T READ JUNK MAGS! As for the T shirt, well...not really the kinda shirt i will wear often. It's like any other black class t-shirt kinda material. Common. And it's black - adding on to the tons of black shirt in my wardrobe. LOL! My mom will nag again if she sees this. =P

It was tiring. But kinda fun la. The freebies part. haha! Well i got more stationaries.

Saw a few CCAs which interests me. If the commitment is not too high (there are CCAs which don't require regular meetings) I may wanna join for exposure's sake, to gain experience. Campus Crusade approached me, so did Varsity something Fellowship. But one is definitly charismatic and the other is inter-denominational. Not that their intention is bad, just that there are differences which i don't wanna compromise. So no thanks guys. I'll just pray for you guys. Meanwhile, I hope i can join the few JSM-ers in their Bible study group with their Deacon.

Well...kinda looking forward to Uni...cos slacking around isn't fun since i'm wasting time. Might as well start studying. Paul said don't neglect the first Sem...quite a weightage on the final result.

So what image should I set out to have for my uni days? Cynic? Slacker? Nerd? Haha, i do want to be hardworking enough ba. Because my parents went all out to make my uni affordable. My dad gave me quite a sum of money last night to pay for the whole misc fees which i had intented to pay out of my savings. And my late grandma also left her will solely to my mother, for the sake of my bro's and mine education. So there, quite enough reasons to study. But of coz, the top reason is that it is a testimony to my parents. To them they don't see how being diligent is to please the Lord, but they will see that me being a Christian is doing a lot better than I had been being a non-christian, and glorify (hopefully?) my Father in heaven. Anyway, I hope the modules i take can be of use somehow. Like the chinese-english translation module. I hope I can get it. May help in my translation work in church. =D

Eh, Carmen, review this every end of the Semester to remind yourself what aim you had initially set out for yourself. Remember it!!!!! Don't be influenced by the world!
