10 August 2006

Sobering matter

Went to Applie's Dad's funeral wake today, with Vic, Afiah and Elaine Jean. What a way, really...what a way to gather. We've always talked about gathering over meals, but we didn't expect the event that got us together is actually so saddening.

Applie's father died suddenly. Some kind of disease that was aggrevated Tuesday night, causing heart attack. Suddenly her family was plunged into emotional and financial crisis. Mother has illness, work doesn't earn much, and she has 3 other siblings all still schooling, with 2 of them in tertiary education.

It's like all light is gone for them. I shan't speak further of her plight. It will just trivilize the gravity of the matter or over-depressed it by my own imagination.

But death is always the sobering event isn't it? After all, the end of all men is death. All certs and money, enjoyment and relationships, all these ends when death comes isn't it? That's why death is so sobering. Because amidst your paper chase and socializing, suddenly someone's end reminds you that that will happen to you one day. Or worse, to your love ones whom you have yet to be ready to let go of. Especially in an event of sudden death.

Which reminds me, my family isn't saved. My father and mother haven't believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. My grandmother has already gone without the knowledge of the Saviour, and my grandfather...soon...how long then will I drag my duty as the bearer of the gospel?? How long, Carmen? Till one of them leaves w/o it again?

I shudder to even type it down.

What is the most important thing in life? To know God, to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. When these are in place, you'll find the meaning of your life - to seek the will of God in every matter and to live it, and do it as to the Lord. Serve the Lord with gladness, keep His commandments.

(And to the smoker up/down-stairs who is currently smoking now and polluting my room air foul as heck, do you know you are simply wasting yourself away? And threatening mine??)

Hai...what a way to start school, my dear Applie, I really want to be of some help to her.

Treasure your life, take it seriously.