Grad nite 2005
JJ's screwed up admin (as usual) put the prize presentation ceremony juz a few hours before the prom, so i didn't go. =P Elaine said it was a way of silent protest. haha!

My hair and makeup were done by Elaine and Peixuan and Applie and Nana. haha. maybe they shoud set upa business or some sort during prom period! =P anyway it was really impressive... it looks professionally done!

the only memorable and fun parts of Grad Nite were the photo-taking and food. haha! I didn't really care about the music (it's pop...not my type) and games. Even the prom king/queen thingy wouldn't have got my attention if not for Nana who was nominated. LOL! Anyway, took lots of photos with friends. Mr Tan looks really funky with the new orange n black plastic specs. haha, looks younger. Mrs R, Mr Dore, Yap....looks the same really. Guess teachers didn't really dress's not their night anyway. Haha.

It ended at 12+ or 1am. To avoid the mid-night charge, Elain, NAna, Applie, ChaoShun, Ying Peng and Andrew and I stayed up at esplanade there to chit chat and play truth or dare. Haha. That's my first time staying out. Because of the New Year countdown decor the sea looks really beautiful with the floating colour balls and all.
Hmm..."a fling of vanity in one night"...maybe that's what I'll call it. Me am not the type who'll spend to dress up and take photos with people. Well....grad night, prom night... the grandeur of the name seems to make these acts synonamous. Still...wondering did i waste too much money on all these? Haha. Nevertheless, the friends and the chit chats that night is still cherished and fondly remembered.
I will miss these bunch of people. Older ones say that in Uni you can't really make much friends, coz of the schedule and stuff. Oh well...
Anyway, after staying up that night, immediately the day (which is today) I must go fetch the "En"s kiddies plus Rachel to bring them to....TADA!....esplanade....AGAIN! haha! It's more beautiful in the night time though.
Guess that's all for now. Some things are just recorded best in memory instead of words. =)
On Marriage and Godly relationship
Ok...i delayed an update again. 'Cause Sunday Tammy came over to stay overnight. hehe.
Anyway, on Sunday Aunty Liane spoke about BGR to us in Sunday School. It was definitely relevant and useful for us all. Hmm..I am but human, and of cause I do have affection. Sooner or later these things will confront me soon.
She spoke about having the right partner. She said in a relationship, the aim has to be marriage. I remembered Felicia also said that a relationship without marriage as the end is meaningless. I concur most ardently. Because without that in mind, dating and relationships are merely entertainment and the lust of both flesh and eyes - going out because someone is cute, enjoying physical intimacy without meanings etc. With marriage in mind, the priority of the relationship or courtship is to know each other better, to correct the other's and your own wrongs, and to learn to live and understand each other, as such a deeper love would be formed from it. I don't want a relationship to include physical intimacy, because such God would only allow between married couples. It ensures that the relationship is built on character love, not physical. That way, marriage would truly be what it is suppose to be - the union of 2, for love, companionship, and helpmate.
If God willing that I should have a partner, I would definitely want a godly relationship. It means to say that the courtship would not be enjoyment based. Like mention before, it would be a time to learn about each others' goals and mind towards God and marriage.
Aunty Liane and Uncle Swee Tee's courtship is an example to follow. They go to ECP to chat, thus allowing themselves to know more about each other. Most significantly, Uncle ST is a godly man who at that time was careful to abstain from physical intimacy. They did not hold hands till the wedding rehearsal!! One may think this a bit too extreme, but I think it a godly and God-fearing act. This is because it aims to be risk-free from going any further, and it upholds purity and modesty till marriage. It is something praise-worthy. =)
Purity and Passion - to the modern world it seems like 2 opposing words, and oxymoron. But to me it is achieveable. It is NOT for girls to go after guys, because God says that He will be the one matching the girl for the guy. It is not for Christians to go recreational dating, especially without God and marriage in mind. This is because, like said, it would be built on lust. The Bible says that even the thought without action is lust, therefore dating gives chances (plenty) for it. I pray that God will keep me from indulging in personal enjoyments that leaves Him out.
Felicia once ask me what do i expect of a husband... I think here are some thoughts:
1) Christian - real born-again Christians who are god-fearing.
2) More godly than me - Would be godly enough to edify and admonish me
3) Give God priority - in another words, like a Mary, not Martha. Martha thinks of details and works too hard to remember even though she is indirectly serving God.
4)Love the Lord more than me (this is the only way i can ensure he'll love me)
........for the not exclusively Christian characters......
5) Confidence (not arrogance. humility before God and men is important)
6) Conscientious.
7) Sensative to people's feelings, thinks of others before himself.
8) loves children
that's all i can think about.... can't believe i reach 8!! If it sounds like a perfect guy, maybe. haha! who wouldn't want that! =P Well i believe that when i leave it to God, God would find me one that matches me, that will complement each other.
But of course, if it's His will to keep single, then so shall it be.
Anyway, just leave everything to the Lord. ......easier said of course. Sometimes i find myself looking out too anxiously, and waiting too anxiously too. "You're only 18!!!", i would scream to myself in my head. Yup, i'm too eager, and sometimes it becomes ungodly because i would forget God. This is not putting God first and letting Him be in charge of my life. I need to change
Meanwhile, I know that what i need to do it so prepare myself to be a godly woman as well as to be a helpmate to my future husband, if have. Even the first one i am far from it! I may be a Christian, but i'm far from pleasing to God. I can't cook, I can't be sensative, I'm not kind, I'm not charitable, I'm not a good homekeeper, I'm not conscientious in my duties as daughter and student. WHAT AM I?!
I'm abit worn out know to expound on godly womanhood. I'll do that soon.
Meanwhile, I shall just work on my godliness.
"Who can find a virtous woman, for her price is far above rubies.." - Proverbs 31
Gospel Service and Hospital Visits
The gospel service this year had low attendance and even lower number of visitors. Nevertheless, let God work whichever way He wants. =) Uncle Thiam Ann's mother agreed to remove the idols on Monday. Let's pray that she would stick to it and not waver like the last time.
After which we went to see Aunty Lilin at KK hospital. She was sick with ovarian cancer and had an operation recently.She'll need to have chemotherapy.
Aunty Don's daughter, Amilia is still at ICU, still with lots of tubes poked into her... I saw Aunty Don crying when talking to Aunty Amy about it. It's such a pitiful sight... The little baby went through 3 operations, infection twice, and can't be like normal babies who are showered with hugs and cuddles at her age now. It's a trial for Aunty Don. Perhaps it's a way to strenghten her faith in God and to bring her unbelieving husband to trust in God.
When God says He is in control of lives, He meant it. When He says life is but a vapour, He meant it. Who are we to argue... But He is not unreasonable. Because He also meant it when He says we will have eternal life after death if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and confess our sins. He also meant it when He said we will have an eternal, incorruptable body. He is not lying regarding the new Jerusalem and the glorious Heaven that we will be in after our death.
So what is the chief end of man?
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. "--Ecclesiastes 12:13If we are saved, whatever trials that come, we may be scared of the pain, scared of the process, or scared of what people around us may think or act. But when we are saved, these scares are but secondary and will come to pass. What is eternal, primary, basic, fundamental, important, is that the suffering will end when we die. To be absent from the body is to be with Christ. This is the most wonderful thing that can happen to us!! Conversly, to live rich, fulfilled (if it's ever possible without God), healthy, but to have our soul tormented in hell eternally, is nothing but foolish.
Therefore, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
Merry Christmas??
Why i chose to put them in question marks is that i do not think Christmas something to be merry about. In the first place, Christmas is NOT the day Christ was borned, at least, that was not real, we cannot prove nor disprove. Also, it commemorates the day our Lord Jesus Christ have to come down to earth as a humble human being. He is the King of King, Lord of Host, God Himself! Yet to be borned in a manger, betrayed, suffered and hung is undued suffering for His status, especially since He did nothing to deserve these - He has no sin.
Since Christmas remembers the day He came, it inevitably reminds me of why He had to, and what He had to went through in His human form. This brings to remembrance of our sinful and wretched state, castaway from our Father in Heaven due to our sins, and irreconcilable unless the blood of the righteous (which is God's) redeems us. Therefore it is more of sorrow than "merry".
However, it is not a day of mourning either. Because it commemorates Christ's birth to reconcile sinners to God, and presenting Himself as a living sacrifice such that we do not have to go through the past rituals of regular and perpetual sacrificing of offerings to atone for our sins. His arrival as the Saviour also signifies triumph over satan's plan to take people away from God. It is like the bridge that satan cut off for our communion with God is repaired (no doubt firmly!) with the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, my personal preference is to call Christmas "blessed". "Blessed Christmas!" - the praise towards the remembrance of Christ who had came as human form to be our Saviour, our Messiah! So, Blessed Christmas, everybody!
Today pastor spoke about God talking to us. He said that when He speaks to us it's like gently knocking on the doors of our heart. But if we are so busy with things of this world, whether legitimate things (like work, studies) or not, the NOISE from all these prevents us from hearing the knock.. So we'll end up missing the nourishment from the word of God, and His words, when read from the Bible, cannot get into our hearts. Such an appropriate symbol.. and I ought to remember that. For i am always busy with worldly things (legitimate and illegitimate) and thus many a times missed out on God.
During the informal children's hour today, i realize that Rumin is a very teachable girl. She remembers the need to pray and seems to have the basic knowledge about God and the stories we told her. I really hope she can be saved, and that in some way i can get to know her better. :) happy for her. :D
Choir practice today was intensive! El really came up with quite good composition. It adds colour to the already beautiful piece. Just pray that on that day won't screw up and can perform well enough such that the unbelievers will be drawn to ponder over the lyrics. :)
I love to hang out with these people in church. Recently get to know more and talk more with Elisa and Tammy. Fellowship of God's people is like a check on your behaviour. to make sure they are not that worldly, or better still, godly. I really hope the youths will stay together and be closer and enjoy each others' fellowship. It's always better than things of this world.
"Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee"
A sudden trouble in my mind..
Youth GroupNow that we are all grown up, many have gone to work or busy with other things. The core group of Christ Grace Church youths are now having little time to gather as we did before. Felicia is working AND is Elias. Elisa working. Elinor studying. Eliel went NS. Robin busy with project and will soon serve NS as well. Tammy is working. Daniel working and would soon go to US. Jeremiah busy with studies. Eliseus is seldom seen. So is Daryl, Ashley, and more so Frederick and Flex.
I will always remember the time at Pasir Panjang Inn where we sang hymns for a long time and never want to stop. From then on Pastor James seems to keep looking at us dearly and thinks that we are a zealous lot. Thank the Lord last 2 years it does seems we were given ministries and the some of us cae to know each other better through many works and fellowships. Friday fellowships, choir, DVBS prep, skit preps.. These will be in my memory always...
But now that we have become busier, the zeal is waning i must say. Or at least I feel so. The strength and zeal that we use to have is depleting, due to own self or the numerical strength.
Perhaps is my judgemental character coming in, but I also feel some of us becoming spiritually lethargic? That includes myself of cause. Things of the world trouble our mind so much we have little energy compared to the past to catch up with God. And of cause, influence from the outside world as a multiple of the times we spend outside.
Personally I would be really disappointed if we are to drift apart like that. Thank the Lord, my bond with worldly friends stop short of superficial things. Friends that I really like to be with, and people, are church people. Always when I talk to a Christian about my problems or troubles, encouragements and edifications to pray would be dispensed, along with specific guides sometimes. I really love th fellowship of God's people. Therefore when we are going seperate busy ways like that, I shall be praying hard we will still be bonded somehow. I pray that I would not pray amiss regarding this as well.
The youths are really important. If the Lord should tarry, we would be the ones taking over God's kingdom in future. How will we make the kingdom to be like in the last days? Will we fulfill the prophecy of "falling away"s? I pray we would not. To do that we have to be deeply rooted and soaked in the word and wisdom from the Lord. O how I hope there would be a revival before the prophecies should start to fulfill!
May the Lord help us.
SundayUncle Joseph's message on that morning's worship was about worship n conduct. if our worship is not God centred and not according to God's will and not with our heart and not clensed by the Lord Jesus Christ's blood, then our worship is no longer a "sweet smelling sacrifice" to Him.
Amos 5:21-24
I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.
Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept [them]: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.
Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.
But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty it's a good warning for us that we should check our attitude when we worship the Lord. but remember, worship is not limited to Sundays only. we should keep worshipping Him in our heart everyday....
God is Holy and worthy of our worship.
Mondaywent took up the day. swam for 2 hours.. hehe. i really love it. some thinks that swimming doesn't do much to help u exercise becoz water cools ur body down...etc etc etc. but i do feel alot of energy used! and i love the feeling when i swim. really. too bad don't have my own pool and i can't do it often... :( ($$$$)
Wednesday will be going kayaking... hehe. looking forward to it. :)
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming...
went to swim this afternoon at Clementi Swimming Complex....a nostalgic experience i must say, considering that i haven't been swimming for the past 3-4 years...
Well first I saw Uncle Jeffery, my coach last time... his looks didn't change much. and then i saw the other kids having their lessons..all the laps, pyjamies float, treading water etc.... i remembered i used to do all these. but in the past i was one lazy bugger... not really a good student. :P
right now, i can't swim laps continously....i started with rest after each 50m lap. after a while then i can swim 2-4 laps continously...but all slow and moderate pace. how i have deproved!! in the past it was REQUIRED to swim 6-7 laps continously....and that's normal training.. sigh..all these years of sitting around...
Swimming and piano were part of my hobbies in primary school. i didn't REALLY enjoy them but i do them. well, at sec 1 i "lost interest" and dropped both swimming n piano my...regrets? i don't know if i regret them that much. you see, if i hadn't drop them both, i would not have the freed up Sundays which i could start my church-going (which led up to my salvation though the Lord Jesus Christ). well, God knows best. so it's part of the salvation path of Carmen. =)
"All things work together for good..." -Romans (chapter and verse something.. can't remember right now)
Anyway now that i have a bit of free time in my hands, i might as well pick them up again. I do love the swimming sensation. in the water there is this freedom and tranquility that i do not feel in running or many other sport. quite a meditative experience to swim actually. especially if there's less people around.
guess i'll continue this hobby. =)
or i'll try to...
ah well.
Lemme review my past 4 days of the week..
monday: totally slack whole day at home....cleanup a kids central..
tuesday: went Ginza walk 1 round, went Queensway Shopping Centre walk 1/2 round...went Ikea walk 1 and 1/2 round....deciding how to rearrange my room...
Wednesday: woke up late again...went to see fren's Passing Out Parade...went makan n hang out... tired la, but at least did something MORE than the past 2 days...
Thurs: slack....again!! morn went interview with ms chew n ms pat lim for relief teaching in JJ. come back face laptop to fill MOE survey form (seriously need revamp..too complicated..) then now blogging..just now played yahoo game..
so this week's time hasn't been used wisely.... not to mention for tues n wed i was suppose to go jog a bit....but i didn't =P
ah well... let's see how fri n sat goes...
but i hate the thought of wasting time away....not using this precious blessing of TIME wisely la..not good...tsk tsk tsk..
ah well, later.
Backgroud music
I just learnt to put background music on the blog, haha. =P I don't know how often I'll change it though. hehe
Anyway this first midi that I put (if at the time that you are reading this it's still that one) is "When This Passing World is Done". It's a hymn with words by Robert M. McCheyne. He wrote books and stuff as well. I particurlarly like these few stanzas below:
When this passing world is done,When has sunk yon glaring sun,When we stand with Christ in glory,Looking o’er life’s finished story,Then, Lord, shall I fully know—Not till then—how much I owe.When I stand before the throne,Dressed in beauty not my own,When I see Thee as Thou art,Love Thee with unsinning heart,Then Lord, shall I fully know—Not till then—how much I owe.Chosen not for good in me,Wakened up from wrath to flee,Hidden in the Savior’s side,By the Spirit sanctified,Teach me, Lord, on earth to show,By my love, how much I owe.The yellow ones are the repeated lines that I like. I think it is important to know how much we owe God. It's only this that a christian may humble himself/herself more constantly, and strengthens his/her ability to praise the Lord.
The green ones are lines which always speaks to me when I read/sing this hymn. They are meaningful.
The Pilgrim's Progress

"These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of [them], and embraced [them], and confessed that
they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth."
- Hebrews 11:13
I am but a pilgrim and stranger on this earth, trudging difficult grounds towards the Celestial City which is Heaven. Not by my own ability, but fully by the grace of God and the soul-cleansing blood of Jesus Christ am I able to take this pilgrimage. And I trust that there is only through this way that one can arrive at the Holy City which is in Heaven, after one perishes as all would one day.
John Bunyan wrote "The Pilgrim's Progress" as a similitude story of a pilgrim named Christian, and his journey towards the Celestial City, which represents Heaven. The records of the journey are actually trials and events that a borned again Christian would face at a point in time of his or her life.
I gave my blog title "The Pilgrim's Progress" because I am going to, as others do, write an open diary (which records events), but also keeping in mind the work of the Lord in my everyday life. In time to come, provided that I succeed this time to keep regular entries :P, these may be records of my progress (hopefully not negative) in my pilgrimage on this earth.
May readers of this blog find encouragement or learn lessons from my mistakes. Feel free to tag (responsibly).
In Christ,
Carmen :D