24 December 2005

Gospel Service and Hospital Visits

The gospel service this year had low attendance and even lower number of visitors. Nevertheless, let God work whichever way He wants. =) Uncle Thiam Ann's mother agreed to remove the idols on Monday. Let's pray that she would stick to it and not waver like the last time.

After which we went to see Aunty Lilin at KK hospital. She was sick with ovarian cancer and had an operation recently.She'll need to have chemotherapy.

Aunty Don's daughter, Amilia is still at ICU, still with lots of tubes poked into her... I saw Aunty Don crying when talking to Aunty Amy about it. It's such a pitiful sight... The little baby went through 3 operations, infection twice, and can't be like normal babies who are showered with hugs and cuddles at her age now. It's a trial for Aunty Don. Perhaps it's a way to strenghten her faith in God and to bring her unbelieving husband to trust in God.

When God says He is in control of lives, He meant it. When He says life is but a vapour, He meant it. Who are we to argue... But He is not unreasonable. Because He also meant it when He says we will have eternal life after death if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and confess our sins. He also meant it when He said we will have an eternal, incorruptable body. He is not lying regarding the new Jerusalem and the glorious Heaven that we will be in after our death.

So what is the chief end of man?

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. "

--Ecclesiastes 12:13

If we are saved, whatever trials that come, we may be scared of the pain, scared of the process, or scared of what people around us may think or act. But when we are saved, these scares are but secondary and will come to pass. What is eternal, primary, basic, fundamental, important, is that the suffering will end when we die. To be absent from the body is to be with Christ. This is the most wonderful thing that can happen to us!! Conversly, to live rich, fulfilled (if it's ever possible without God), healthy, but to have our soul tormented in hell eternally, is nothing but foolish.

Therefore, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.