18 December 2005


Today pastor spoke about God talking to us. He said that when He speaks to us it's like gently knocking on the doors of our heart. But if we are so busy with things of this world, whether legitimate things (like work, studies) or not, the NOISE from all these prevents us from hearing the knock.. So we'll end up missing the nourishment from the word of God, and His words, when read from the Bible, cannot get into our hearts. Such an appropriate symbol.. and I ought to remember that. For i am always busy with worldly things (legitimate and illegitimate) and thus many a times missed out on God.

During the informal children's hour today, i realize that Rumin is a very teachable girl. She remembers the need to pray and seems to have the basic knowledge about God and the stories we told her. I really hope she can be saved, and that in some way i can get to know her better. :) happy for her. :D

Choir practice today was intensive! El really came up with quite good composition. It adds colour to the already beautiful piece. Just pray that on that day won't screw up and can perform well enough such that the unbelievers will be drawn to ponder over the lyrics. :)

I love to hang out with these people in church. Recently get to know more and talk more with Elisa and Tammy. Fellowship of God's people is like a check on your behaviour. to make sure they are not that worldly, or better still, godly. I really hope the youths will stay together and be closer and enjoy each others' fellowship. It's always better than things of this world.