ROFLOL! - Lim's Arts and Living
"And Lim’s Art & Living? Hahahahahhahaha. Dude! The full name of the shop is
“I am Mr Lim and I make a Living passing these things off as Art to Ang Mohs…
Pte Ltd”."
Mr. Miyagi is so funny! HAHAHAHAHAH!
Will Wilberforce flip in his grave?
"Yet the Darwin-Wedgwood maxim made the slave a "Man and a Brother". Darwin opened his first evolution notebook in 1837, damned slave-holders for their separate species view, then pushed common parentage to the zoological limit." -BBC
In their book, Adrian Desmond and James Moore argue that Charles Darwin, father of evolution, invented his theory due to his anti-slavery conviction. Darwin was, argued Desmond and Moore, against the slavers' idea that the blacks were of an inferior species, and hence he sought to forward that all man are decendents of the same species. Thus his evolution idea that all man decended from the same microb was borned.
Factual level aside, I can't help but be amused/bemused by the whole irony of this thing. The father of anti-slavery, William Wilberforce, is known to forward that men are created equal and hence slavery is the trade of brutes. His conviction stemmed from his believe in God, and his strength for his anti-slavery fight came from the very fact that he was a devoted Christian and passionate servant of God, and would not tolerate such injustice to be performed by a country that on an official level, honoured God.
If, suppose, that Darwin had shared that same passion at the injustice, and love for the fellowman, he wrote out of a true heart to want to topple slavers' ridiculous notion that the blacks are of an inferior species. Isn't it ironic that his evolution, borned out of his love for his fellowman, is anti-God, while on the other hand, Wilberforce, whose anti-slavery fight was also borned out of his love for his fellowman, loved God? How utterly ironic that one who fathered an anti-God doctrine should father it out of a passion stirred by a man who loved God and wanted God's justice to be mete.
I wonder how Wilberforce will feel.
In any case, the simple doctrine that all man are decendents of Adam and Eve is enough to overthrow the slavers' ignorance. There is absolutely no need for Darwin and his anti-God doctrine to overthrow the myth.
Information gotten from
Another round of Lunar New Year! Came and went.
Reunion dinner with my favourite dishes!
Niece and nephews

There was a solar eclipse on day 1 of CNY.
As you can see from the photos, I ain't very close with my relatives. Mostly we just went there. The parents would talk to their siblings, but my brother and I would be watching TV. Some cousins are closer to one another, but not with me. So overall it's pretty boring. Not that I mind, I still like to see my relatives, I ain't avoiding them. And of course the ang baos!!! =)
Many goodies still left in my home. Anyone cares to visit and eat them up? Hehe.
You told my mom you'll come visit on Chinese New Year but you didn't.Why are we still so awkward? I miss talking to you.
Lunar New Year kuah
It's that time of the year, and I made some Kueh Makmur again! Suppose to make love letters too but my mom's friend gave her a big tin of it she said we don't need to make them anymore. :(
Here goes the pics!

It was tiring but fun. And the taste is totally worth it. :P
For the past few CNYs, I would give you a small box of the goodies I made. Mostly they were for your family, but you always ended up eating them. -.- I remember how we will also buy bak kuas for each other's family. You also don't have the habit of buying new clothes for CNY, and Valentine's day being so close to CNY I used to buy shirts for you for Vday for CNY, and you the same for me. This year I guess you'll be wearing your old clothes again.
My favourite portion from Ecclesiastes, appended below.
Any self proclaimed philosopher, or any one interested in philosophy, should read the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible. Solomon, one blessed with the gift of wisdom, philosophiesed about life in this book. My particular favourite is
Ecclesiastes 3, ever since I heard it read in Chinese.

Or if you're that lazy, listen to this:
Jehovah is love
When I am down, God my Heavenly Father always reminds me that He is with me. Thank God that He adopted me through the Lord Jesus Christ, or else I wouldn't have such a wonderful omnipotent and omniscient Father, who knows what I need and leads me along.
Moral Home and Mrs. Gan
I enjoy serving the Moral Home folks at Labrador Park on second Sundays. It's firstly a joy to watch and learn from Deacon Tan to see how he serves these folks. Also, their simple faith makes me wonder and marvel.
Particularly, the first few times when we started to bring them out to Labrador park for our monthly small service, Margaret had been very grumpy, often scolding and complaining. Once I heard her talk about her bitter experience with her mother and scolding her mother as she recounted to Deacon Tan. The next month however, by the grace of God, she came happy and smiling. She apologised for her behaviour on the previous month. And now, very often she is so joyful to come for the little worship we have. Often apologising at very little things, and eager to sing hymns.
It's wonderful to serve the Lord. It's wonderful to see God changing lives of people. So many people whose lives the Lord saved and changed. All in His intricate means which we do not and cannot predict.
Talking about God's ways. Today in Sunday school we started the introductory to systematic theology. Pastor Joseph says that one of the necessity of learning theology is that we may apply it to our lives and know what is right and wrong to do. On this, he mentioned how he was discussing with Uncle Thiam Ann how to break the news to Mrs Gan on Thursday night (for details read the previous post). Theology teach us what is the role of husband and wife, and necessitates that Mrs Gan as Mr Gan's wife need to learn the truth. The Bible taught them what is right to do, so they must do it. What is left then is to pray that God would prepare her Mrs. Gan. So, they spent half an hour praying over this matter.
Praise the Lord! That very night God prepared her heart. It was that very night that she learned, from the Lord Himself, that her husband is now with Jesus.
How great Thou art, LORD!
O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the works Thy hands have made.
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee:
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think! -Eph 3:20
The greatest worry of Mr. Gan's sudden passing is mostly likely how to break the news to Mrs. Gan, who is still recuperating from her stroke. Ever since she was hospitalised, the couple have been crying and tearing, perhaps worrying about Mrs. Gan's condition or missing each other terribly. Either way, it is obvious to everyone their deep flowing affection for each other, making the breaking of such bad news a heavy burden hanging on everyone's shoulders.
Knowing that it will be cruel to keep it from her and not to let her see her husband for the last time, the family together with some of the church people ventured prayerfully to tell her the news this (Friday) afternoon in the hospice. Who knew that the LORD has already prepared her heart! As the group converse and slowly approach the topic, finally pastor told her plainly that Mr. Gan was gone. She, the grace of God abounding in her, told everyone calmly that she knew that "he is with Jesus" already!
God's thought is not man's thought. God's way is not man's way. Who can ever expect the LORD's mercy and His gracious hand working in this matter! Thank the Lord for answering our prayer. Thank the Lord for comforting Mrs. Gan! Thank the Lord that it is precisely because our glorified Mr. Gan is in heaven that gives such peace that surpass our understanding in each one of our hearts, particulary Mrs. Gan's!
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." - Jeremiah 33:3"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose." - Romans 8:28Goodbye Mr. Gan. In the sweet by and by, we shall meet on that beautiful shore.
May God work in the hearts of every unbeliever who was at the funeral service, that they may praise the LORD and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour!
New Year Post
As usual, my new year post is always delayed. I suppose I'm not someone who sits and contemplates new year resolutions on the 31st of December every year. It comes to me when I already stepped into the new year, embracing the changes and seeing the world around me move forward. Then my mindset will follow it.
What can I say about 2008? It's the year I turned 21, a milestone set by whoever to mark your step into adulthood. How true - for it is this year that I learnt a great life lesson that brought me to another level of maturity (
really?) and self discovery.
The beginning of 2008 was pretty dull. The usual schooling, except my birthday bbq planning towards the end of the semester. Then came my birthday, and one of the most wonderful and thoughtful gift I received is the telescope from elf . Lots of money and effort and thoughts on his part. And, also, a gift that caused my many moments of sighs and regrets even now.
And then the separation - perhaps the most painful experience I have yet. And on my adulthood milestone too... I experienced an emotional turmoil I never did before - not even that "emo" period during secondary 4 when my rebellious nature was suppressed by God and brought me to personal knowledge of Him. No - this pain digs deeper into the heart, and with the separation the tearing away of a part of my heart. "The wounds will never go away...", I recall from a previous testimony (
Shama said the breakup will make me realise what I really want in a relationship. And it's true. I know what my weakness is now, and what I don't wish to see in a relationship. I know what I want in a man and what sort of man can I submit to as a wife. I know how un-ready I am to be committed in a relationship, and what are my shortcomings. I know what needs to be done in a relationship, before and during. And the most important lesson I learnt from God is to wait upon Him, and not to sin adamently during the course of the relationship. I learnt, with sorrow, that sin brings forth only bad fruit. Before we both realise it, God decided that we've displeased Him enough.
The post separation period was hard. The road to recovery was tough. I soon fell into escapism in what seems a harmless recreation - movies. The addiction for catharsis and escape brought my life and discipline to a halt, and I soon found myself in a heap of mess - missed deadlines, sloppy assignments, slothfulness in the work of God. Even the sweet devotion time with the Lord every night was sacrificed, and I walked further and further away from my Shepherd.
People often ask how do I know God exists. I know because He does. And at that stage of my life I felt His presence the most. Though I escaped from Him He never left me. His presence was ever so real. In my self inflicted melancholy I felt His frowning countenance, and His loving hand. He knew exactly when do I need afflictions and reminders, and He knew when exactly do I need encouragement and comfort. He gave me problems that forced me to pray and realise my utter helplessness. He gave me hymns and bible verses that reminded me of how much I used to love Him. How do I know He's real? Because He's my heavenly Father.
"The wounds will never go away, but somehow there's this balm that smoothens all the rough and jagged ends."And so slowly I recovered, and very recently too. The church camp this year could be the mark of my decisivness to return to Him and aim to serve Him with all my heart again. I'm still trudging back to be in step with Him, but now I'm filled with joy more than my earthly sorrow. I look back at the relationship, knowing full well that we both caused our own demise by our adament sin. We both caused our own death by not basing this relationship on God. I pray for God's forgiveness, and I thank Him for separating us before we walk the path of no return.
I thank God for preserving my parents thus far. My father losed his job twice in 2008, but found another again. I got accepted for an exchange programme to Canada, and I'm praying for God's provision and guidance on that. I pray I'm doing according to His wish and His will, that I may learn and see more and gain experiences that would make me a better person in my 5 month stay there in 2009. But if it should be more of a distraction, and a hinderance to the church's work (already we have so little people), then I pray God may make it clear to me to forfeit this trip.
2009 will see changes in the church as well. Binqiang and Felicia will be married, hence a new stage in life. Hopefully they will be stregthened to greater love and service towards the Lord.
Eliel will be studying and working. Knowing him, he'll overburn himself. Need to pray for him.
Robin will have responsibilities, I pray that he'll grow in love and service towards God.
Shaojuan needs plenty of prayer and encouragement (and a bit of stronger words perhaps?) to wake her up from finding pleasure in this world. I thank God for her constantly pledging allegience to Christ, and I pray that she may overcome her own flesh to love God with all her heart.
Pastor Joseph is busy as usual, hopefully and prayerfully, he may change a job.
Pastor James is hoping to see revival. I pray that it may be the burden of the whole church and our constant prayer. Not for ourselves, but that we may dare to "expect great things from God, attempt great things for God".
As for me, I hope to break out of my fear. The fear of man that so shut my mouth from reaching out to my friends and especially (guiltily) my family. I pray that I may take the first step before I leave for Canada.
Of course, in earthly matters: to pull up my CAPS (God gave me the dip that I deserved, to wake me up from my stupor), to be more prudent with my money, and to be a better daughter and sister at home.
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." - Jeremiah 29:11Be Thou my vision O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me save that Thou art
Thou my best thought by day or by night
Waking or sleeping Thy presence my light.
Riches I heed not nor man's empty praise
Thou my inheritance now and always
Thou and Thou only first in my heart
High King of heaven my treasure Thou art.