Let's be honest
A 'SECURITY LAPSE' led to the escape of the leader of the Singapore's wing
of the Islamic militant network, Jemaah Islamiah (JI), and drew an apology from
Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng on Thursday.
more on it
here...C'mon Singapore, just admit it... you're not as good as you boast.
Just admit it lah~ Don't worry, I'll still remain a Singapore citizen and love you as much as I always have been. I just wish you are more honest with yourself.
Projects, tests, weekly work.... It doesn't help when the student is LAZY BEYOND WORDS!
Beautiful half moon. =) If not for my GEK1506 project, I wouldn't realise the beauty of the moon cycle. I love the moon!
Stepping on a rainbow~!
This is funny. LOL!
By the way, Rob, I've finished Calvin and Hobbes! Muahahaha!
Alright, back to see what Copernicus did to change the world, and what others like Bruno and Galileo did to give Coper the fame. After that's it's reading up on what on earth English was like in the old times, in its writing system, grammar, vocab, and phonology. After which, I would need to decide what to present on what kind of English do toddlers speak next Friday.
Tomorrow I'll be doing a $10 survey about my enthusiasm for internet news, and after that, more Coper.
Oh, and Oscars was funny. And this wasn't even the best. Jon Stewart is a real tickler. Wahaha!
"Julie Christie was absolutely amazing in 'Away from Her' ... a moving
story of a woman who forgets her own husband," he said. "Hillary
Clinton called it the feel-good movie of the year."
If only I have Comedy Central here in Singapore. =D
Loving the "unlovely"...
On Friday, I was listening to a sermon by
Dr Stephen Jones on
Reflecting God's Love. He said that we Christians are commanded to love those that are considered unpopular and unlovely to the world, or even to us. Be it looks, attitudes, or social status, there are people all around us that we will rather avoid because we just do not want to talk to them. During the apostles's time, they were commanded by Christ to preach the gospel beyond their comfort zone (Jerusalem and Judea) to Samaria, a place where the people Jews despises were. Samaritans and Jews had bad experiences with each other, not just because Samaritans were considered inferior to the Jews due to them being mix blood. Also, the Bible says that it is nothing great to love those that love us, or those that can benefit us, because the ungodly does that too. But it is greater and required of us to love those that hate us, and those that will not benefit us. These are all reflecting the love of God.
Just last Sunday, it was a day which we had prepared a dinner for those in Bukit Batok Home for the Aged. So we brought the Christians out of the home and to the church. Pastor James preached, and after that we served them dinner. I had a wonderful and refreshing time of serving these old folks, talking to them (they are lonely you know?) and holding their hands when they walk.

I must admit that it is hard to stir myself to serve these old folks. I think Dr Jone's message will apply to this case. These old folks are people I cannot communicate with (I don't know dialects and can hardly understand them), some are mentally not very sound. They, being old folks, naturally have some smell on them, including urine smell. That's natural. So it's hard really, for this pampered kid to serve them.
I thank God He gave me the heart. I know it's not my own, for I can never by myself be humbled down to serve these people whom are considered "unlovely". But I still have much to learn to humble to. Just look at pastor's and deacon's and other aunties's and uncles's zeal in really chatting with the old folks, feeding them, etc, I am put to shame.

Particularly because I had followed Aunty Theresa to the Home to fetch the old folks, so I got to witness for myself how hard the work there is now. For years, our church has been going to BBH (previously Woodlands Home) to preach the gospel. We hold services there for the Christians as well as welcoming and inviting non Christians to join us. Some will even venture to the wards to talk to the old folks who are not keen to come to the service, to tell them the gosepl.

That was then. That was when we had true religious freedom to speak to the old folks about the Lord Jesus. But right now, there is a rule that forbids us to invite non Christians anymore. Even who they consider "non-Christians" are problematic. They consider the status of their religion at the time of their entering the home or from their family members. Which means that old folks who have come to trust in Jesus or who were even baptised by us through our work all these years are forbidden to come.
I had only heard these from Aunty Theresa's and Aunty Mrs Lim's mouth during prayer meeting last month. Because I'm now involved in evangelism at HDB flats, I had not been going to the Home to serve. That Sunday, I followed Aunty Theresa to fetch the old folks. I saw this old man asking Aunty Theresa whether his name is in the list (list of "Christians" that we can bring to church or our service). He kept asking and asking, and when we saw that it is not, he said it's ok.
This man have been with us in the services all these years, but now he is forbidden to join us! And there are a few others whom I recognise as well. All of a sudden I see how persercuted the work over there really is. We no longer are able to reach out. Those whom have heard the gospel cannot come with us. Those who may well be saved cannot join us anymore! It's like looking at souls who stretch out their hands but we cannot grab them.
On the way back to church in the mini bus, I wept a little. Just that morning the sermon was about hell. I was really upset. If the door is closed to us, we can no longer reach out to them, which means that more souls are going to go to hell without Christ. I'm truly upset. Even now.
Souls are reaching out, and we cannot grab them. Then there are those who have heard the gospel and have every freedom to come to church to worship God, or to serve God, or to pray, or to praise God - there are some of these free folks in the church and out there who will not even give a few hours of their Sundays to God who is so merciful to them.
Even I, who am saved and who am serving, I am saved and have known the depth of God's mercy and grace - yet I will sin against God so often. I just owe God so so so much... Why did God choose to save me?
The Lord's Mercy
Lamentation 3:
[22] It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.[23] They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
[24] The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.
[25] The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.
[26] It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.
[27] It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.
[28] He sitteth alone and keepeth silence, because he hath borne it upon him.
[29] He putteth his mouth in the dust; if so be there may be hope.
[30] He giveth his cheek to him that smiteth him: he is filled full with reproach.
[31] For the Lord will not cast off for ever:[32] But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies.This will be my song. It is wonderful to have such a God as heavenly Father, though I am so unworthy.I cannot thank God enough for His mercy in saving me. I need to praise Him more...
Photos post!
Some photo updates of what has happened! Scroll down if you will. =)

These are a few of my tuition kiddies! Shan, Nerrisa, and Xavier.

Saw the little creature behind Arts canteen one day. Can you spot it? The people who saw it with me were like, "Wow, see! Look at these!" And I took out my phone to snap it. Looks like we city kids are a real nature-deprived bunch.

Took 154 home one night, and it's all empty. Kinda like riding with a chauffer with your private car. Haha.

Nowadays I've taken to walking to school or home I'll walk half an hour to Kent Vale (condo for NUS staffs I think), then take a shuttle bus in.

Mommy baked this with her friend 2 weeks before CNY. I told her it would be gone before CNY. I'm half right. It's 7/8 gone by CNY eve. Haha. So we baked some more!

About the saturday before CNY, we started baking. (Baking frenzy man...)
First, we fry our own peanuts.

Then blend them yourself...

Baker at work.

My loveletters!!

The tiny workstation...

End product of loveletters! I folded them instead of roll.

And the extra bottle of kueh makmur!
It took about 4 hours in all. But the effort was worth it. It's great fun making your own cny goodies instead of buying them. =)