Photos post!
Some photo updates of what has happened! Scroll down if you will. =)

These are a few of my tuition kiddies! Shan, Nerrisa, and Xavier.

Saw the little creature behind Arts canteen one day. Can you spot it? The people who saw it with me were like, "Wow, see! Look at these!" And I took out my phone to snap it. Looks like we city kids are a real nature-deprived bunch.

Took 154 home one night, and it's all empty. Kinda like riding with a chauffer with your private car. Haha.

Nowadays I've taken to walking to school or home I'll walk half an hour to Kent Vale (condo for NUS staffs I think), then take a shuttle bus in.

Mommy baked this with her friend 2 weeks before CNY. I told her it would be gone before CNY. I'm half right. It's 7/8 gone by CNY eve. Haha. So we baked some more!

About the saturday before CNY, we started baking. (Baking frenzy man...)
First, we fry our own peanuts.

Then blend them yourself...

Baker at work.

My loveletters!!

The tiny workstation...

End product of loveletters! I folded them instead of roll.

And the extra bottle of kueh makmur!
It took about 4 hours in all. But the effort was worth it. It's great fun making your own cny goodies instead of buying them. =)