If I could be anything...
Or I may want to be a traveller. I'll travel to the deserts where there is no man made lights to obscure the wondrous heavenly bodies. I would love to star at them till I fall asleep, letting the last thought of my mind be the glory of God. Then maybe I can see that my problems are really nothing and maybe I won't be so upset easily. Or I can travel to the poles, to see the auroras, to experience how is it like having only 1 day and 1 night throughout a year.
I just wish to get out of this stifling city environment, just a month will do, to take a good look at what the rest of the world. I want to know what the polar bears see; how does the world look like to them. How do penguins feel? Do they ever feel nauseus being upside down?
In the hymn "Sweet Hour of Prayer", the lyric says something about us flying through the air. It may be figurative, but I really do wish I can do that. The vast expanse of the sky is more liveable than this stifling earth.