YAF Camp
Alright, it has been long since I my last post. I guess I was just lazy. A few things happened. But I'll just blog about the YAF Camp.Thank the Lord! It was a refreshing camp, particularly in bonding. One of the aim of this year's YAF is to bond, and the camp is a highlight for this intent. So we had the camp from 8th Dec to 11th Dec. We went shopping for groceries, cooked, cleaned the chalet, organize the logistics, etc, all by ourselves (well, with some kindness from other adults once in a while...haha). So now I really appreciate the aunties who kept the kitchen so supplied and clean during our church camps last time. I also admired the treasurers, the logistics people and all the committee people. First try - it was really difficult to be organised.
So we had fun, we did stuff together, I believe the guys became rather good friends now? At least, on the friend's level. Shaojuan also got to know the others youths better, like Felicia, BQ, and Rob. I guess we are doing fine on the "friends" level. Next aim: the spiritual plateu.

Also, the BBQ session we had on Sunday evening was really blessed. So many adults (more than we'd expected) came and supported the youths. Especially when the drizzle delayed our BBQ fire, the adults pitched in by steaming some corns, steaming the supposed-to-be-bbqed-fish, made desserts. Love the fellowship around the pit, table, and bench. Haha. Thank God.
We also had the opportunity to devote 1 whole day to learning the word of God. The day started with discussion on Tongue Speaking and Health and Wealth Gospel. We went so in depth that it dragged way beyond the schedule. So we ended up cancelling many of the other topics and put them on hold for other days. Perhaps I'll blog about these 2 topics soon.
But one thing I really learnt from that study day is that God's word is truely in depth. Although I know I shouldn't, I still have the tendency of the "I've read this before already" syndrom whenever I read certain parts of the Bible. Do you know that the same verse that you read in one way can be distorted and twisted in its meaning so much so that the God it portrays is beyond recognition? Then, do you know what are the other verses in the Bible that would show you whose interpretation is right? If we keep being so ignorant about the Bible, we would be easily misled into strange teachings by other so-called Christians.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." - 2 Time 2:15
To rightly divide the word of truth means that you can accurately draw a line between the rights and wrongs. And it is one who "studies" the word of God who can do it, and thus not needing to be ashamed by those who would question you about your God. I am still so far behind this standard. The word of God is so RICH that this is almost unattainable. But I speak for myself. By the grace of God, we strive, and let God reveal to us the knowledge of His word.
Thank the Lord for the freedom to hold and read a Bible in Singapore. Many societies out there, you can't even get a glimpse of it. Dr Stephen Jones once shared about his mission trip to Russia, when it first opened up from Communism. He went to the Catholic church building (state controlled I think) to give out books and books of the Bible. There came an old lady who begged to have one too. As he had ran out his supply, he ran back to his van to take a Bible and gave it to the lady. The lady was so overjoyed she cried and kissed the floor where he stood. Apparently, in the church there was a Bible - framed up nicely in a glass boxed to a particular page - but common people were not allowed to read it. The old lady wasn't even allowed to copy the words down for herself to read.
Dear fellow Christians, do we have that joy? Do our hearts still burn for the word of God? Often we read the Bible, although knowing that it is suppose to be "God speaking to us", we do not treat it so just because it does not speak directly to our problems. But who are we to determine what God should tell us? We read, we study, that's our duty. God will speak to us in His own way! I remember many occasions in my trouble when in my mind pops up words from the Bible, or messages from sermons which was spoken days, weeks, months, or even years ago - and God brings them to my mind to encourage me. So our duty is just to read, to hear, to study. Gods will speak to us according to His will.