Kar Hoe and Waqiu told me that they are being promoted to 2N next year, together with Liping, Jiamin, and Farah.
Suddenly feel a sense of nostalgia and happiness. Happiness because they, whom I once believe are misfits in the rowdy 1T1, have proven themselves worthy of my praises for them in class or in private. I've emailed them to warn them about the stress they will have next year, and i really hope they won't give up being diligent.
Their diligence exceeds mine. They strive in hard conditions. They believe in hardwork. And they shame me of my own laziness.
Now exam period is coming for me. A lot of datelines for papers too. And suddenly these people from the past phase of my life pops up and tell me they are receiving fruit of their labour. I rejoice with them. And I ought to learn from their diligence.
And this people from my memory pops into my current life, causing me to bob on my sea of memories (which I am doing now) from the days in Swiss Cottage when I was teaching these people. It's nostalgia beyond words. I don't want to write them down, lest I should pervert this history in my life.
All in all, I am glad I did what I did - taught in Swiss. And these dear ones from 1T1, who are promoted to 2N base on their hardwork, taught me too. They taught me to believe in diligence.
God's Will
I just re-read my entry which I've posted when I just received a letter from MOE to tell me to go for an interview for the teaching award. Well, I eventually failed the interview. Though I wasn't sore about it, I sometimes wonder why I did not get it? Is it merely because I don't know how to praise myself? (which, btw, i'm not ashame of. I'm thankful that i didn't lie my way through.)
But now I can see why. Why exactly did God not want me to get it?
The subjects allocated to me are English Literature and English Language. If i'd gotten it, I would be forced to take E Lit now in Uni.
Well, I do love lit. But Lit in Uni level just isn't about the beauty of language anymore. It's about human philosophy. It's about having to read literatures which at time insult God in His face and gets away with it when people PRAISE that book for it's artistic values.
Some said that I don't have to subscribe to the author's belief, and lit will train one to have an open mind.
Well, how can I, on the one hand, say that I love God, when on the other i can stand reading things that propogates the very things that God hates - or worse, insults God. Can one do that to his/her GF, BF, or parents? I cannot. And i'm not ashame of that. If i need that skill and "open-minded-ness", God will give it to me thru another means. I have a choice. And i choose not to let myself be influenced by the devil.
"And all things work together for good to them that love God"
I love this verse, because it says entirely what God's will to Christian is about.
So the thing that i was sad about turned out to be a blessing. Thank the Lord!!
When words fail
Sometimes when words fail you, you can only cry "Oh Lord, help me, help me..." continually. All the flowery words are gone, only down to the most basic cry of all:
"Help me, Lord..."
And when words fail you, you find no expression to convey your sadness to God. It's as if all the world's vocabulary cannot pinpoint why you are so downcasted. You simply weep and cry like a baby to God. Just saying "help, O Lord..." over and over.
When words fail you, it's sweet to know a truth, a truth far beyond any human wisdom and philosophy. That is, that God is hearing. God is seeing your affliction. God knows what you want to ask Him about. God knows your sorrow. God feels it. And God has His own timing and directions to handle the matter.
Sometimes when words fail you, don't try to speak. Cry, and weep, like a baby, in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is God Himself.
Oh Lord, help me.
Oh Lord, help Christ Grace Church...
Taggers Alert!!
To all who tag:
There's some problem with the old tagboard from tagboard.com. I've changed the tagboard. But one thing about this new one is that:
YOU NEED TO REFRESH BEFORE U CAN VIEW UR POST!!!Refresh button is the green one. So pls don't over-click it.
What happened? What will happen?
In 10 years' time, who will still be in church?
Will Elisa turn back?
Will Felicia still be around?
Will Elinor be more active?
Will Tammy be back?
Will Esther be with us?
Will Elias be zealous still?
Will Robin be here still?
Will Eliel grow stronger or weaker?
Will Tyrone finally find his peace in the Lord?
Will Alex be here still?
Will Elizabeth?
Will Daniel?
Will Deuel?
Will Frederick come back?
How about Li Fang?
Will Flex be back?
Will Daryl still be around and finds his peace?
Will Ashly come back?
Will Eliseus be around still?
Will Jeremiah have more time?
Will there be new people?
How about me? Will I still be around?
If Felicia goes, I really don't know what kind of sadness it will be.
If Elisa really decide to go off, what kind of tension will Pastor have in church?
Wait...will Christ Grace Church be still around????
Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? - Luke 18:8
On Wednesday, I thought that things will turn for the better. The cool breeze, the clear view.... But this is what I got today. The pictures are taken at 6.35pm.

Where be NUS??? Where be the port cranes at West Coast????
Study lah, Carmen

Study -> get bored -> walk -> study -> get bored -> toilet -> study -> get hungry -> makan honey dew -> study -> get bored -> BLOG!