Baby Blues

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Me on myself
Ich über mich
Guten Tag! Mein Name ist Choi, Choi Kah Mun. Ich komme aus Singapur und wohne in Clementi. Ich bin Studentin an der Nationaluniversität Singapur. Ich studiere Sozialwissenschaft, und lerne Deutsch. Deutsch macht viel Spaß, aber schwierig.
Mein Vater ist Kellner und arbeitet bei einen Restaurant. Meine Mutter ist Büroangestellte im Krankenhaus. Ich habe einen Bruder. Er ist Schüler, und lernt Wissenschaft.
Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist Schwarz. Meine Hobbys sind Lesen und Musik hören. Mein Lieblingsbuch ist “Der Klein Prinz”, und meine Lieblingsmusik ist Klassische Musik.============
The above is an kind of like a introduction about myself in German. It's a homework for my German class. But why not post it here? It's kinda fun. =)
Loosely translated:
Me about myselfGood day! My name is Choi, Choi Kah Mun. I come from Singapore and live in Clementi. I am a student in National University of Singapore. I study Social Sciences. (I don't know how to write "Arts and Social Sciences"), and learn German. German is very fun, but difficult.My father is waiter (no, he's called an assistant. but i was too lazy to check that up in german) and work in a restaurant. My mother is a clerk in the hospital. I have one brother. He is a student, and learns Sciences.My favourite colour is black (actually it's blue but i don't want to look like i'm copying from the reference text that the teacher gave). My hobby is reading and listening to music. My favourite book is "The Little Prince", and my favourite music is classical music.
Speed Thy servants THY Servants
Speed Thy servants, Savior, speed them;
Thou art Lord of winds and waves;
They were bound, but Thou hast freed them;
Now they go to free the slaves:
Be Thou with them, Be Thou with them,
’tis Thine arm alone that saves.
When no fruit appears to cheer them,
And they seem to toil in vain,
Then in mercy, Lord, draw near them,
Then their sinking hopes sustain:
Thus supported, Thus supported,
let their zeal revive again. This hymn was chosen for Wednesday night's prayer meeting. Pastor was touched by the words, as can be seen from his request to sing it twice.
I was also touched, especially by the 2nd stanza above. Because the current work in Blk 195 is stagnant and, if I'm not judging wrongly, declining.
Our evangelism has stopped, we are merely contented with visiting our contacts and teaching the children. Children wise, some have dis-inclined to come, one cannot. Jiayu is lost, Melody seems to be avoiding us, Baoquan does not want to come, and Zhicong has tuition on Sundays now. Moreover, we are having less helpers now. Of the pioneers, Tammy is gone, Elisa has left too, spiritually not with us in this work anymore.
When I look upon this situation, I realize that the problem lies with us. We cannot blame the children for becoming hard-hearted. We cannot simply brush their indifference aside by saying they prefer to play than to come to listen to the Word of God. No we can't. We can't even excuse ourselves by saying we are tired.
Perhaps I'm in no position whatsoever to judge the last reason, because I'm a student while most of the rest are working now. But this I know: that once we've decided to start and work, and God is so merciful to give one to us, it's a lifelong responsibility, until the day we meet our Lord in heaven. It's like having children; we cannot stop caring or care lesser because we have different beliefs or we are very tired. No we can't. What kind of testimony are we giving to the children in our church who follows us for evangelism (or so-called)? That evangelism is when if you are tired you can slacken in our work? Do i dare preach to them doing their best for God if i myself can only think about my own comfort.
And one thing I know, is that we've not been praying anymore. The church has not been praying, as observed by pastor. I've not been praying. Youths no longer gather to pray. Previously, our fellowship in Aunty Mrs Lim's house allows us a time of fellowship and prayer where we'll pray for this work. Now we no longer to that.
When there's no prayer, there'll be no power to work. Our work will eventually die off. Haven't we get enough sermons urging us to pray? The story of Moses: who, during a war between Israel and the Amalekites(?), if his hands which symbolises prayer be down, the Israelites would lose, but if up, they will win. We've heard that, but we don't. We are hearers of God's words, but not doers.
I hope I won't be misunderstood. I am not complaining against anyone in church. As much as i've used the words "some (people)" or "they", I've used the words "we", "us", "I". I'm part of the youth group. And I confess of my lack of prayer as well, which makes me shudder even more because I'm a sunday school teacher there. It's a big responsibility.
Sigh...That's why the 2nd stanza in the above hymn touched me. We really need the refilling of zeal for God. First we need to repent and confess to God first. No - even more first - we need to get down to our knees to pray. There'll be no rekindling without prayer.
Of Steve Irwin and Huan Fei Hong (totally no relations)

I saw many people's nicks are suddenly prefixed by this ugly looking, non descript tortise. And I only found out why JUST now. It's for Steve Irwin, that Crocodile Hunter who died suddenly while filming. Thanks to a paranoid stingray's perfect aim at his heart. I'm not exactly his fan. But he's one of those TV fella whom you've grown accustom to see him around and associate him with something so light-hearted (children animal documentary, since I only know him from watching kid's central). You just expect him to be...well...immortal, tv-wise.
Anyway enough of Irwin. A sad news mentioned too often blands the issue.
Now school is going full-gear, for a year 1. Many many readings to do. But...I can't bring myself to settle down and do mostly.
And I still hate "Lolita". Stupid paedophile text.
GRRRRR....why must channel 8 keep tempting me with oldie "Huang Fei Hong" on Saturday nights, when I have church tomorrow!! Now as i'm typing and preparing to sleep, that famous Huang Fei Hong song is playing on the TV, beckoning me to watch.
I like the Huang Fei Hong series. The old ones, NOT THE NEW CRAPPY REMAKES BY HONG KONG OR ESP CHINA! They totally lost the centre of Huang Fei Hong (HFH).
HFH is a hero crafted out of the angst of the late manchu china. It was an era of turbulance, where powerless civilian Hans chinese would hate the Manchu empire, but would hate as much for Ang Mohs colonizers to invade and eat up their motherland. At that time, rebellion groups also sprouted out, but these groups were hardly respectable. They were just as lawless as the guilty government and colonialists. They were, similarly, distruptive and misleading young men into senseless wars and killings. Much like today's terrorists.
So what is the powerless rational civilian's ideal party to voice their emotions? HFH. He's a righteous hero, powerful in his martial arts. He's one who hates the Ang Moh's pretence of democracy and wishes them off his motherland as well. But at the same time, he hates the Manchu idiots who oppresses the people, normal man on the streets like his environment is. And at the same time, he sees tha atrocities done by the rebels and seeks to iron out the wrongs and fight his way to justice.
In short, he encapsulate what the layman wants. To stand on neither party.
And the most wonderful part is, that although at each of the movies' conclusion, HFH succesfully fought the rebels and talked morals to the angmohs or manchurians, there will not be any changes in the next movie made. The reason is simple. He is powerless. The movies will not be idealistic and distort history. They want to keep the helplessness of the manchu ending period.
Such is the heart of HFH series.
And what do you get when modern media tries to ride on the famed name? Irritating, foolish, dumb, shallow love stories of HFH plus a few lousy action sequences played by pretty faced actors who does not play out half of what Jet Lee, the original actor, played. Stupidier is the scripts, lousy predictable lines that gives me the goosebumps, and so unlike HFH's characters.
Crap new TV channels. Down chew up and regurgitate HFH!
Bad Week
The week passes fast. Tutorial started this week. Hm..German tutor Frau Meyer Ohle is friendly, approachable. SEAsian tutor...haha...cannot judge the book by its cover. This is, like, the 2nd time i've been taught this lesson since school started. haha. Well Trina looks aunty-like, and she's filippino. But she's got the intelligence and the experience!! hmm...EL tutorial, (4th time that i learnt the judging book lesson) Dr Abraham is really friendly despite her fierce outlook. I guess her resemblance with ms latimar scared me. haha! Lit...hard to catch as ever. and i still hate the book.
Anyway, on wednesday, the rain finally came - but at the most irritatingly unsuitable timing. i need to go off from school, and i need to cross the road to the bus stop. and, crap, i duno the way to the mysterious overhead "engin bridge". So....i got drenched. as in, really, drenched. Coz the shelterless road is so wide.
What's worse, when I got on to the 96 AIR CON bus, the horribly slow traffic caused the normally 10 mintues drive from NUS to central stretch to 30 minutes. So i was freezing inside the bus.
That'll explain why i got this terrible flu now. Hai... feels very bad to be sick.
Thursday, I was suppose to go down to JJ to visit mrs R for Teachers Day. But she'll leave at 1pm, and i got something on till one. go. And it kept raining yesterday.
Hai, such chaotic week.
And...he's always too tired to talk longer than 5 mins on the phone. haiz. He'll rather tok to his mentor than me. one to talk too. stinks.