Of Steve Irwin and Huan Fei Hong (totally no relations)

I saw many people's nicks are suddenly prefixed by this ugly looking, non descript tortise. And I only found out why JUST now. It's for Steve Irwin, that Crocodile Hunter who died suddenly while filming. Thanks to a paranoid stingray's perfect aim at his heart. I'm not exactly his fan. But he's one of those TV fella whom you've grown accustom to see him around and associate him with something so light-hearted (children animal documentary, since I only know him from watching kid's central). You just expect him to be...well...immortal, tv-wise.
Anyway enough of Irwin. A sad news mentioned too often blands the issue.
Now school is going full-gear, for a year 1. Many many readings to do. But...I can't bring myself to settle down and do mostly.
And I still hate "Lolita". Stupid paedophile text.
GRRRRR....why must channel 8 keep tempting me with oldie "Huang Fei Hong" on Saturday nights, when I have church tomorrow!! Now as i'm typing and preparing to sleep, that famous Huang Fei Hong song is playing on the TV, beckoning me to watch.
I like the Huang Fei Hong series. The old ones, NOT THE NEW CRAPPY REMAKES BY HONG KONG OR ESP CHINA! They totally lost the centre of Huang Fei Hong (HFH).
HFH is a hero crafted out of the angst of the late manchu china. It was an era of turbulance, where powerless civilian Hans chinese would hate the Manchu empire, but would hate as much for Ang Mohs colonizers to invade and eat up their motherland. At that time, rebellion groups also sprouted out, but these groups were hardly respectable. They were just as lawless as the guilty government and colonialists. They were, similarly, distruptive and misleading young men into senseless wars and killings. Much like today's terrorists.
So what is the powerless rational civilian's ideal party to voice their emotions? HFH. He's a righteous hero, powerful in his martial arts. He's one who hates the Ang Moh's pretence of democracy and wishes them off his motherland as well. But at the same time, he hates the Manchu idiots who oppresses the people, normal man on the streets like his environment is. And at the same time, he sees tha atrocities done by the rebels and seeks to iron out the wrongs and fight his way to justice.
In short, he encapsulate what the layman wants. To stand on neither party.
And the most wonderful part is, that although at each of the movies' conclusion, HFH succesfully fought the rebels and talked morals to the angmohs or manchurians, there will not be any changes in the next movie made. The reason is simple. He is powerless. The movies will not be idealistic and distort history. They want to keep the helplessness of the manchu ending period.
Such is the heart of HFH series.
And what do you get when modern media tries to ride on the famed name? Irritating, foolish, dumb, shallow love stories of HFH plus a few lousy action sequences played by pretty faced actors who does not play out half of what Jet Lee, the original actor, played. Stupidier is the scripts, lousy predictable lines that gives me the goosebumps, and so unlike HFH's characters.
Crap new TV channels. Down chew up and regurgitate HFH!