10 May 2009

The Cupboard Adventure

Today we went to Ikea to get a new cupboard for my bro. It's a dented new set so they were selling it $80 cheaper. We went there, it looked alright, so we got it. We also got our 舅父("kao fu" in Cantonese) to help us to transport in his lorry. It turned out to be quite an adventure, and I learnt a few lessons:

1) Always dismantle the cupboard before transportation no matter how small it looks to you. Ignore any belief that it can fit into the lift.

2) Put the cupboard lying on its back instead of sideways if you want to avoid hitting a carpark lamp on the way out.

3) Dismantling a cupboard is not that hard, really. You need patience and strength and nice passers-by who won't "tsk" at you when you block their way at the lift lobby. (For tips on how to dismantle at appropriate places, see tip 1.)

4) Cut your toenails so it won't bleed when you knock your toe onto something.

5) Have an awesome uncle who doesn't get angry for being dragged after a tennis game to do this crap and at your stupidity for thinking a fully set up cupboard is transportable.

In the end it ended up with more dents and a HUGE scar when the lamp hit. I may want to try my hands some plastic surgery for the cupboard if my brother doesn't protest.

Here's the half dismantled cupboard.

07 May 2009

Freedom in less than 24 hours!

I'm never never never taking a 5 core module semester ever again. Though I'm happy tomorrow is the last paper, I'm still sad that I'll do badly this semester.

But ah wells. TOMORROW IS THE LAST PAPER!!!! I'm so excited I'm planning a rough list of what to do post-exam already. HAHAHAHAHHAA!

1) I'm so finishing season 8 of Whose Line. And watch Chip Esten on Cold Case. Hehe.

2) Shop for the belated presents of Huining, De En, and Felicia (and maybe Aunty Rachel and Uncle Joseph if I have spare moolah).

3) EXERCISE!!!! I miss running (or rather, walking)!


5) Read a book books. :P I need to be more cerebral.

6) Catch up with the world news.

7) Record all my spendings for April. :( And realise in horror that I spent too much money.

8) Ok I got to read up/organise this VPP thingy from the notes.


10) Enjoy the smell of freedom before I start work.

Haha I anyhow squeezed out some dumb stuff to add up to 10. But WOO! I can't wait! Meeting up with Tammy and Aunty Sushiang soon! And the musketeers. And watching Much Ado About Nothing with Nana, Gwen, Afiah and Elaine on 17th May. Mother's Day makan on 14th. Tomorrow celebration/farewell lunch with LSI project mates. Yum yum! Must exercise soon.

And I'm glad the ELang makan is on 13th May. Hehe. ;-) It's like a celebration even if they don't know.

01 May 2009

Les Miserables

Man, I'm so blown away by the Les Miserables (10th Anniversary Concert) that I'm gonna try to find the DVD for it after my exams. Meanwhile, youtube will suffice. :D