Weird feeling all over again
It's strange how you get to know people just before you have to leave. All of a sudden, ending work doesn't seem like such a joyous occasion.I'm so "emo" nowadays.
"These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." - Hebrews 11:13
Have been working for one and a half months now. I’ve learned many new things, especially about financial planning, organizing, calling up people etc. My bosses are rather nice people, they don’t have the “air” of bosses which I know some other managers do. My pay seems a little low compared to another part time PA who works lesser hours than me. Haha. Ah wells. But nevermind. Boss 1 teaches me many things slowly and patiently, but he doesn’t feedback whether what I did was right or wrong, or what do I need to improve in. This kinda bugs me because I will never know whether I did something right or not. I don’t want my bosses to have this bad impression of me and I don’t even know what is wrong. So far so good. Colleagues aren’t that bad either. Most of them are pretty friendly.
Suddenly the issue of income and work seems important. I never really did care about them in the past. It’s not that I’ve become money-minded now, it’s just the idea that I really need to plan where and how much will my money come from, and how should I save or spend them. And then you start getting this impending doom that your money is not enough. I don’t know whether that is considered before over worried in the unhealthy way or not. I just wish I know what really to do (NO, financial advisors, I don’t need you to contact me. I already have a few F.A friends. Thank you.)
And then when the end of the year comes, I’ll be faced with the dilemma of whether or not to continue teaching in the tuition centre. I really don’t want to continue teaching maths, or primary school English. I want to teach GP, especially writing essays. I don’t know whether I’ll be up to it but I prefer to do that than to drill grammars to a large group of kids. But then, without the centre, will I still be able to get students myself?
I can’t wait for school to start. I’m such a nerd – I wanna study again. The modules I want to take seems interesting. But I know when school really starts I would want it to end soon. Hehe. Human lah~
Decisions, decisions, decisions. It seems like I kept asking and asking and there’s no answer what I should do. Sometimes this seems right, other times that seems fine too. Like SJ who always ask me whenever she has troubles in her life, I want to ask, “Isn’t it great if God can still talk to us.” I mean directly.
Life at crossroad, here begins a phase, there ends another. Just got to keep moving, over another ditch, over another sign.
“And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”