
Today is Deepavali holiday. My church organized an outing for some oldfolks at Bukit Batok Home for the Aged. It was suppose to be at Labrador Park, but somehow God's will is that we hold it in our church due to the rain. So we held it at the church. Pastor shared a message to encourage them.
The arrangement was that after that, the children will present 2 chinese hymns to sing to the old folks. They are 我是主羊 and 野地的花. Felicia, El, and I were drafted in to sing last minute. Haha.
The tunes for these 2 hymns are beautiful. I can't tell which one I love more. The one I attached to the background of this blog (please be patient as it is a wma, which takes longer to load than a midi) is 我是主羊. It is based on Psalm 23, my favourite psalm about the Lord being my Shepherd. How loving and what a wonderful Shepherd who protects and guides us. Here is the lyric:
The midi version can be found here: 我是主的羊
The next is based on Matthew 6:25 to 34, which talks about Christians not needing to fret over our bodily needs (money, food, clothes). God can provide for the sparrows which don't have souls, and clothe lilies which dies very soon, so how much more will He provide for His own children who are saved by Him, and belongs to His family through the Lord Jesus Christ.
I would love to share a recent happening in my life. Just Sunday, my father lost his job - again. It is worrying because it is very hard for non-PSLE non-English literate 59-year-olds to get a job. Yet he found one just a few days later (today). That is a coffee shop helper. The pay decreased by around 1/4, but the working hours are more humane and he thus have more time now to take care of his health. I had been worrying how his job is affecting his physical body, tiring him and wearing him down. Yet God is such a wonderful Father to provide Him with a new job that absolutely take away this worry of mine! (And his off day is Sunday!!!!! Reduces one excuse of him not to go to church. In future....I mean...if I really get down to telling him the gospel, that is...)
When I heard about him losing his job on Sunday, I was anxious. We humans really cannot see the plans that God has in future. My anxiety was a short-sighted reaction. Actually, we His children just have to pray and wait for His will to be done, because He promised that "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose". This is such a merciful and great God who is so personal and endearing to those who are saved~! Wouldn't you want to believe in Him and give your life into His hands too?
I can't find a good music of this piece, it's mostly in pop-ish arrangement. You can go google and see if you can find any melody.
May fellow Christians find comfort in God. May those who aren't save have the desire to know who this God is. =)