Bits of points from Sunday's sermons
These are just some points i noted down from today's worship service sermon and the old testament survey sermon. They are not the summary of the sermons.----------------------------------------------
Worship service sermon:
1) 1 John 3:3
There are many liberal doctrines saying that Christians do not have to keep the law of God because Jesus has already died for our sin, and so the law is needless. They also say the law burdens Christians.
To this, 1 John 3 gives a very good reprove. Of course, we don't keep the law to be saved. No one can keep all the laws, and all that sin against the law cannot save himself. That is why Jesus Christ had to die for us. But keeping the law (keeping ourselves pure) is simply because we love our God, and only those who have hope in God (Christians) will know how to love God. Therefore, our love for God will drive us towards wanting to keep the law and remain as pure as possible - simply because salvation by the Lord Jesus Christ is worth that much! It is worth us doing everything He pleases, and not doing anything He hates! That is why the law is not useless.
Old Testament Survey on the book of Daniel:
1) Daniel 6
The story of Daniel in the lion's den is famous. Rev. Joseph emphasized one point in this story. That is, the resolve of Daniel to pray.
Daniel pray just like he did as always, even though the circumstances was such that it will cost his life if he prays. Likewise, what is our resolve to pray? Will circumstances change our prayer regularity? Circumstances should not thwart our prayers.
Personally, whenever I woke up late or finish work at wee hours, I would think that I have no time to pray. But that would imply that I have put my work and school as the default in my life - and prayer is the "extra". That would be wrong! Daniel put prayer as the default in his life, and no matter what happens it cannot change it. Sometime i look at my own pagan mother. She'll wake up early to pray to her idols. Even if the night before she slept late, or a particular morning she has to wake up earlier to prepare our breakfast, she will not alter that 1/2 hour for her prayers. Between sleep and prayer, she would choose the latter.
If one who is not saved, and blinded, can have such devotion, should not a Christian who is saved so immensly by the Lord God Himself give just as much - if not more - resolve to pray??
2) God is in control
Daniel 2:21
God is the one who removes and sets up kings / government. Years of history teaches us that no one power can imagine their fall at their peak - but they eventually will fall. Because God has willed it so.
But beyond these big issues, let's look into the incidence regarding Daniel and his friends. Twice he offended the king because he choose to do the right thing (1. not bowing down to the idol, 2. not ceasing to pray). And when God revealed to him the interpretations of dreams, he would not snatch God's glory, as shown in his telling the king that is it God who gave the revelation. We see that, whenever Daniel was sent to death because of his offending the king, 1. Jesus Christ was with him in the furnace, and 2. angel was sent to close the lions' mouth. Also, simply because Daniel honours God by giving God the glory, God honours him. The king and others recognises that he has abilities above the rest.
3) My favourite verse from Daniel.
"But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself." - Daniel 1:8